About this place

Tegallalang Rice Terrace, located in the uplands of central Bali, Indonesia, near Ubud, is one of the island's most iconic landscapes. Famous for its beautiful scenes of rice paddies involving the subak (traditional Balinese cooperative irrigation system), Tegallalang offers visitors a picturesque view of terraced rice fields that cascade down the slopes across the valley. This area exemplifies Bali's agricultural traditions and showcases the cultural practice of rice farming that has been passed down through generations.

The rice terraces are a reflection of the Balinese traditional irrigation system known as subak, which dates back to the 9th century. This system represents a philosophical concept of Tri Hita Karana, which brings together the realms of the spirit, the human world, and nature. The subak system, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is a testament to the Balinese people's harmonious relationship with their environment.

Visitors to Tegallalang Rice Terrace can enjoy the expansive views of lush green rice fields from various vantage points along the main road that runs through the area. Many cafes and restaurants are strategically located for tourists to take in the scenery while enjoying local cuisine. The rice terraces also offer opportunities for walking tours, allowing visitors to explore the paddies up close, learn about the rice cultivation process, and sometimes interact with the local farmers.

In addition to the scenic walks and photographic opportunities, Tegallalang has become a hub for other attractions. These include the Bali Swing, where visitors can experience swinging over the rice fields, and shops selling locally crafted souvenirs. The area around Tegallalang is also known for its art and craft, with numerous artisans producing traditional Balinese handicrafts.

Tegallalang Rice Terrace is located about 20 minutes north of Ubud, making it easily accessible by motorbike, car, or taxi. Visitors can combine a trip to the rice terraces with other cultural attractions in the Ubud area, such as the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, Ubud Royal Palace, and various art galleries