About this place

The New Town Hall (Neues Rathaus) is a landmark of Munich, Germany, renowned for its Gothic Revival architecture. Located in the heart of Munich on Marienplatz, the building serves as the seat of the local government, including the city council, the mayor's office, and part of the administration. Since its completion, the New Town Hall has been a symbol of Munich's historical and cultural heritage, attracting visitors from around the world.

Historical Background and Architecture

The construction of the New Town Hall began in 1867 and was completed in stages, with the final phase ending in 1909. The building was designed by the German architect Georg von Hauberrisser, who was only 24 years old when he won the design competition for the project. The New Town Hall's facade is adorned with numerous sculptures, gargoyles, and frescoes that depict Bavarian history and folklore, making it a masterpiece of neo-Gothic architecture.

One of the most striking features of the New Town Hall is its tower, which stands at 85 meters (279 feet) tall and is accessible to the public. The tower houses the Glockenspiel, a beautiful carillon that is one of Munich's major attractions. Every day, it chimes and re-enacts two stories from the 16th century to the delight of gathered spectators.

The Glockenspiel

The Glockenspiel in the tower of the New Town Hall is a must-see attraction. It features 43 bells and 32 life-sized figures. At 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. (and 5 p.m. in summer), the figures perform the Schäfflertanz (the coopers' dance) and a jousting tournament from the wedding of Duke Wilhelm V of Bavaria and Renata of Lorraine. This spectacle draws tourists and locals alike, who gather in Marienplatz to watch the performances.

Function and Public Access

While the New Town Hall is a functioning government building, parts of it are open to the public. Visitors can explore the lobby and certain hallways, where they can admire the intricate stonework, stained glass, and the grandeur of its design. The tower offers one of the best vantage points for panoramic views of Munich, especially of the nearby Frauenkirche and across the city's rooftops